Monday, April 27, 2009

who m i?

midnight 2.00clock... m awake to find myself....who am I?the questn mankind have been asking since they evolved....yesterday was my b'day frnds celebrted tat in a most beautiful manner by dressing me up as aman tat too in the form of a messenger n olden days......though fun with all those make up i looked diff n mirror n one of my pal askd me if u feel like seen ur face like tis b4...she meant whether i remember my previous life in which i was a messenger n she the queen n she viewed me announcing around about her arrival was a real fun,,,,but seriously at tat moment i thought tis who m i?
"tell me about ur frnds n i ll tell u who u r"a famous i got the methodology 2 study myself frm my frnds...................
so i have started with my attempt....
result ll be published soon........